Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It is a very rare moment for the Party and the Partisan to be right in their viewpoints and get divorced as both were perfectly alright.

Though the party is modern, the mindset is feudal and naturally the orders not be otherwise. But the whole episode took an unexpected turn when the proletariat’s feudal order landed upon the landlord minded partisan.

The Party has always been keeping its views on parliamentary democracy, a love-hate relationship. Today’s vibrant views will be tomorrow’s historical blunders and vice-versa.

Democracy, of course is the elixir only when the party is not in power. Once the party gets on to power the first victim should be the democracy. But in a democracy, it is the lifeblood for leaders to survive and followers to die fighting. Democracy has its own virtues and vices. While all the virtues are to be exploited by the leaders, the vices exploit the followers as lathis falling upon their backs

There is enough possibility for one to get fever if he sleeps with the guy or girl suffering from it. But no possibility for the sick to be cured of as he or she slept with a healthy one. It is also applicable in parliamentary democracy. The revolutionaries are highly inflammable in the parliamentary democracy experiments.

As healthy, never their virtues cure others bourgeois vices, but often happens otherwise and Chatterjee is not the last but latest victim. According to the party Somnath succumbed to injuries in the muscle flexing between working class virtues and democratic vices.

Earlier when the party nodded in negative to Com. Basu’s ambition and he lost the PMship between cup and lips he took the wise decision to stand by the party, lest the history would be otherwise for him to lose his party hold and PM status in a single stroke. Loss of power to the powerful is nothing less than death.

Though at a later date, when he was out of the danger zone, he could at least blame the party calling his loss as a historical blunder.

A decade is over by now, and it is more than enough for the party to take a u turn now. However, the quid pro quo dealings with democracy have helped the tumors to develop in the ideologic spine. Whatever are the explanations, the leaders grow up beyond the party, thanks to the lessons taught by the Congress. Their leaders are never bothered of the party’s stand but the other way round.

Com. Somnath Chatterjee is a symbol; symbol of the party limping from totalitarianism to democracy. Its hightime for the Party to be elevated or downgraded to be a democratic political party.

1 comment:

NITHYAN said...

There is enough possibility for one to get fever if he sleeps with the guy or girl suffering from it. But no possibility for the sick to be cured of as he or she slept with a healthy one. It is also applicable in parliamentary democracy